What is the future of Pakistan economy in 2050

Pakistan’s Economic Prospects in 205 Future prospects appear to be both promising and somewhat daunting for the target of globally integrating Pakistan by the year 2050. Considering its geographical hindrances, it is located in a very vital region as it shares land boundaries with south Asia, Central Asia and Middle East. The demographic bulge and

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Main aim of science is to create knowledge which is based on three parameters: observation, experimentation and conclusion. But going back to the inner desire, every individual has the desire to understand how and why the world functions in a specific manner, that is what fuels progress and development. In this literature, I will leans

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What is the scope of BS Marine Science in Pakistan

The Scope of BS Marine Science in Pakistan Marine Science is a global body of integrated disciplines which is as broad and far-reaching as the study of oceans, seas, and the systems that encompass them. However, the academic and professional opportunities are enormous. In Pakistan, the coastline borders measure 1046 kilometres with the Arabian Sea;

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Global Challenges and Solutions

Global Challenges and Solutions” is often synonymous with discourses or frameworks that seek to understand and find ways towards some of the greatest issues affecting humanity including but not limited to climate change, poverty, technology, public health, and international relations. It often requires a multi-methodological approach that integrates science, public policy, economics, and even moral

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how is science fiction different from other types of fiction

Unlike other forms of literature, this fiction genre incorporates various themes in science and technology which can be deemed as extraordinary and creative. These dimensions differentiate literature with science fiction, making it distinctively different. Themes and Focus Setting Basis in Science and Technology Idea Analysis Subgenres, Intersections and Fusion Putting it another way, science fiction

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Is adventure travel for everyone

Is Adventure Travel for Everyone? Adventure travelling has sparked the interest of nomads and people who enjoy entertainment across the world. It offers fun, exciting challenges and fantastical experiences I viaggi avventurosi sono per tutti? I viaggi avventurosi hanno suscitato l’interesse dei nomadi e delle persone che amano l’intrattenimento in tutto il mondo. Offre sfide

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